Acceleration Days
Suisse - Conférences Débats Idée de sortie Genève et alentours : Acceleration Days | Against time and the...

Villa La Pastorale Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève - 99200 - Genève
Agenda > Suisse > Genève

Acceleration Days : Genève - Suisse - Conférences Débats

Acceleration Days
Idée de sortie Genève et alentours : Acceleration Days | Against time and the odds: accelerating climate action today to better serve populations tomorrow

01207 Genève?

Join Climate Action Accelerator's annual conference "Acceleration days" in Geneva and online on 2 October 2024

### Acceleration Days

Against time and the odds: accelerating climate action today to better serve populations tomorrow


### **2 October 2024, 10:00 to 17:30 CET**

[**L'Auditorium, Domaine de la Pastorale**](**, Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève, and online**

As climate impacts intensify and the urgency for climate action increases, Climate Action Accelerator is bringing together key stakeholders and the public to its Acceleration Days.

Together, we will explore and advance concrete pathways to accelerate the deployment of climate solutions and strengthen resilience.

We will draw on our work in international aid and health sectors and share insights on operationalizing climate commitments, partnering for locally led action and the pivotal role of funds programming in amplifying change. We’ll also debate how effective climate transformation not only generates crucial climate outcomes but also reinforces our capacity to deliver in extraordinary times, in a world characterised by increased constraints.

Join us to win the race against inaction!

_This event will be held in both English and French, and interpretation services will be available in person and online_

Register here: [](

Visit our website: [](

Conditions accés : Gratuit Mixte

Accessibilité :

Crédit photo : Pok Rie/Pexels

Source : OpenAgenda

Catégories : Tous publics

Horaires et dates :

mercredi 2 octobre 2024 de 10h00 à 17h30

Mots clés :
#Acceleration Days | Against time and the odds: accelerating climate action today to better serve populations tomorrow# #Genève #Conférence - Rencontre #Evénement organisé par un externe #Climate Action Accelerator #
Horaires * Acceleration Days
Date : du 02 octobre 2024 au 02 octobre 2024

(*) : Les manifestations pouvant être supprimées, annulées, ajournées, prenez contact avec les organisateurs avant de vous déplacer.

Lieu : Acceleration Days
99200 - Genève - Villa La Pastorale Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève
Catégorie : Acceleration Days

Genève : Où dormir.

Genève : à voir, à faire.

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